Saturday, 12 January 2013

Pregnancy update Week 20

So I am either 19 or 20 weeks now, depending on which pregnancy app I look at.  As I said before in my 16 week update, the whole weeks and days things confuses me, and normally I class myself as someone with a decent amount of intelligence, or at least common sense! But anyway  I think days 0-7 of being pregnant are week 1, although I am now 19 weeks and 3 days, I'm actually in week 20. I think?
[week 18, or maybe actually its 19]

Anyway, I plan to do an update every 4 weeks from now on, so here you go...

Sleeping - I am not as tired as I was for the first 16 or so weeks, which is a relief. I am struggling to find a comfy sleeping position, but find that a liberal sprinkling of lavender oil on my pillow/duvet helps, as well as listening to BBC World service which is possibly the most boring thing in existence post midnight. In the last few days I have been more tired, but I think that is due to having a nasty cold which has taken it out of me somewhat.

Peeing - this still happens lots and lots, then some more. Although sometimes I go and nothing happens, and then 5 minutes later I'm desperate and Niagara falls happens. A tip for you to help empty the bladder completely is to lean forwards when you think you're done to help every last drop come out. Needless to say it's still affecting my sleep and I get up to pee at least once a night. Annoyingly my bathroom is downstairs and at the other end of the house, I have mastered getting there and back in the dark so as not to wake myself up too much with switching lights on!

Constipation - Still happening on a semi regular basis. However I find that by drinking LOTS of water (which doesn't help with the peeing) and trying to eat as much healthy veg and protein as I can, and am (as normal) keeping my dairy intake low, but IBS still roars its ugly head at times.

Headaches - I have had a bout of bad ones. Ones that don't go away with a 4 hour sleep. Eventually I gave in and looked up co-codamol in pregnancy, found that many expectant mothers had been prescribed it for various things by their GPs and took one. Headache went in half an hour. As I suffer from bad headaches and the occasional migraine (less now than when I was younger) I expect this will get worse as I get more pregnant, unfortunately.

Backaches - Randomly this week my normal lower backache when I wake up has been joined by upper back pain, which is strange. Its not like my upper back is taking the strain of bigger boobs (Still pissed off they've not got any bigger!) so not sure what's causing this apart from maybe a different sleeping position, although a couple of times it's happened at bedtime, so it can't be that! Anyway, the arrival of my new pregnancy pillow will hopefully help (& I will review it too!)

Heartburn - Slight but nothing too bad. If I eat crisps (which is rare) it's worse, so I know what NOT to eat.

Breathlessness - climbing stairs wears me out, I can only imagine how i'll feel when I get humongous.

Body temperature - It's January and I am sleeping with the window open, the radiator in the bedroom off and in a T shirt and pants only. My nice fluffy new sale bargain dressing gown is firmly hung on the back of the door, and I am not wearing socks or slippers around the house.

'Flutterings' aka the baby moving - I *think* this happened for the first time a couple of days ago, it was like a popping, but it wasn't wind (and I am familiar with wind, due to IBS) but I've not felt it again yet.


  1. It does sound like your baby is starting to move :) best feeling in the world!
    I don't miss the middle of the night trips to the loo like you our toilet is downstairs too!
    Heartburn was the worst bit for me towards the end I think it was just constant and the things that suppose to help just made it worse like mints and milk

  2. I agree it does sound like you're starting to feel the baby move! That's how it felt with me then one day I was lying on my front (because I could do this up until about 27 weeks as my bump was so small haha) I felt her move. Best feeling EVER!

    Again, like you when I was first pregnant (up to 28 weeks) I lived in a house with a downstairs toilet it was a nightmare. We also had REALLY steep stairs! One of the vital things when moving was finding a house with a toilet.

    Compared to me I think my bump was tiny so I never got out of breath, I used to even walk up a giant hill to walk until I went on maternity leave! I also didn't have a problem sleeping or back ache until the end (my daughter was lying on my spine after she turned, it was agony and made my labour horrific as the pethidine or an epidural would of taken no effect as she was already on my spinal cord!)

    Looking forward to your 4 weekly updates :)

    Amy x

  3. The peeing thing is so true!! I think the baby must block it form coming out sometimes!

    I had awful pregnancy headaches and eventually tried having a real coffee about 3.30 every day (I couldn't have it any later or it kept me awake)as I'd read that caffeine helps. It made a big difference for me - though I didn't try it for ages and ages as in my mind caffeine is usually a cause of headaches!

    How exciting that you are starting to feel the baby move! i felt things very early, but wasn't sure for ages if it was actually movement or not!

    I also started getting out of breath quite early on- going up hills and stairs only. I wonder if it depends a bit on how you are carrying?
