Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Lists lists and more lists

I like to write lists. Lists make me feel organised, and like I have something to achieve (although sometimes I write something on a list that I have already done, and then cross it off so I feel like I have made progress)

The below are a few of my current lists, which are either in my phone or in the back of my organiser, along with a select few items from said lists... I have purchased a notebook with sections in it, to attempt to get properly organised, with lists of what people have very kindly offered to lend us (thanks Steph!) and things that people have said don't bother with, and even the 'hospital bag' list... (Which currently only says 'camera and big knickers' on it...but i've got plenty of time for that one yet!

The things I can do when the baby gets here and I wont be working list
  • watch Sabrina the teenage witch from start to finish
  • read all the unread books on my shelves (I know this is unrealistic)
  • start making all my own Christmas/birthday cards again
  • craft projects 

The Baby Names List 
  • SECRET! we're just not telling... (Well Sam can't keep his trap shut but I am not telling, so you'll have to bribe him!) He has chosen the 'girl' name, therefore I get to choose the 'boy' name. & the middle names be default, because I am carrying it around for 40 weeks after all, but obviously the names will be subject to what the baby looks like when it appears, the thing is, what if you decide to call it Maud and it comes out looking just like a Marjory...? Plus i've heard stories of people either turning their nose up at whatever you say it's name will be, or stealing the name!

The Baby Shopping List
  • everything. (well, almost, we will have a crib from Steph, and my mum already found us a nice moses basket and stand, and another friend is giving us her daughters cot-bed when as she's almost grown out of it, at 5 years old! (so hurray, no bed buying till then!)

The other things that might be useful to get hold of list
  • a food processor
  • an ottoman (for keeping blankets and such I just want one)
  • a rocking chair
  • lots of tupperware containers so I can cook most of the weeks food on one day and freeze it (this will never happen and we will live off takeaway fish and battered sausages for at least a month!)

The things I am worried about list
  • how will I know what it wants when it cries (shouldn't be calling it it really...)
  • what if it is funny looking, and people are too polite to say anything (I KNOW how this makes me sound)
  • that I will go stir crazy with only myself and a small human for company
  • how on earth am I going to have my every other daily long hot soak in the tub with bubbles and a book (lets face it, i'm not)
  • taking the baby to a wedding at ten weeks old
  • our finances

The what I definitely do not want to do when bringing up my child list
  • Let it use a dummy till it is three. I have a friend who did this, and one day she had to tell her daughter that she had to give it to another baby who needed it more, there were tantrums and there were tears
  • Let it watch CBeebies incessantly
  • Let it wander around with snot hanging from its nose
  • Dress it it anything with 'babe' written on it (i'm looking at YOU primark)

I know that many of these are unrealistic, and some are downright daft, but this is a place for honesty, so do share any lists you made, or worries you had/have pre baby!


  1. You will read and get your bubble bath- you have to combine the two though (this is how I've managed to read about ten books since D has been born. Also- books you can dip in and out of are brilliant.)

    You won't get to craft much though. Soz to be the bearer of bad news.

    1. reading in the bath is fine by me! I just cant foresee it happening! well, not at nights anyway as Sam wont be around...

  2. My friend has an ottoman type thing for his daughter but it doubles as a pouffe and the kids toys are in there.My friend still manages to craft,she just has to be clever and choose short things that fit into nap time.It's funny because I know about five people due around our dates and can just see some duplications of names going on.I'd find that hilarious!My friend is donating one of those three in one buggies and a Moses basket,altho unsure I should take the basket as he said theirs just slept in the moses thing for the buggie?!seems silly to have two mealy identical objects no?xxx

    1. i'd like to think there are more than 5 names floating around inside our heads!
      but do you want a buggie sat around the house making it look untidy? also they have to be able to lay flat for longer periods of time... so I think a moses basket would be better?

  3. Hahaha but maybe we all have the same five!lol what dya mean have the buggie sat around looking untidy?it folds awAy real small.The thing for the buggie comes off and is exactly like a Moses basket and my friend says theirs slept in that and barely used to moses.seems silly to get two almost identical items?xx

  4. Having said that,im going to have the moses as well and if it doesn't get used,so be it!xx

  5. I'm quite worried about taking a tiny baby to weddings as well- we have THREE to go to: a reception at 3 and a half weeks, wedding at 12 weeks and one at 20 weeks - minefield!!

  6. I did loads of lists while pregnant and as I'm still alive at almost the year mark(!!!!!) I have loads of wisdom to pass down to people who still have it go through (although I'm yet to do teething, anyone wish to offer advice on that one?)

    Unfortunately when the baby comes you'll be so exhausted in the beginning crafting will be the last thing on your mind.. however reading and watching is gooooodddd. I've watched all Sabrina the Teenage Witch too but only in the last two months haha! But I watched all my Disney DVDs in the beginning and although I didn't read as many books last year as in 2011 I did read a fair few (I only read in the bath nowadays so it takes longer to get through a book). Of course you might not be as tired as me if you OH helps (mine didn't, surprise surprise)

    Baby names list, mine wasn't secret but we changed when she was born anyway so it didn't matter haha.

    Baby shopping, as one of your previous post states you're going to try and get everything second hand. Would you like me to have a dig around and see what we've got still? I don't mind paying the postage as i'd like to see the stuff getting recycled. I also totally recommend seeing if your area has a FB group for baby stuff! I have sold and bought loads of my local one and I know my friend in Lincoln has too. I didn't have a buggy that had a sleeping bit on, mine was a travel system with the carry seat on instead so I did use the moses basket.. however a crib is a waste of money.. moses basket, then cot bed all the way!

    I never knew what my daughter wanted.. it was a case of trial and error. Say she had her nappy changed an hour ago, there is a high chance it's not that.. plus in the beginning feeding is fairly regular so you pretty much know when that is. Nowadays I know from a years of experience what it is my daughter wants so I can assure you that worry gets easier. You won't care what your baby looks like, you'll love it anyway and you won't care what other people think because you'll think the sun shines out it's butt because you made it, carried it for 9 months and gave birth to it. My friend was so ill through her pregnancy and spent much of it in hospital so she was paranoid she'd reject her baby.. she didn't. You won't go stir crazy because you'll be able to take baby out and show him/her off in the buggy. I used to walk into town every day that I wasn't seeing someone and it broke up the day. You're due in the summer and you have the beach near by! Loads to do ;) As for the soak, you will get it when baby is down for a sleep.. maybe not every other day but I still managed 2/3 times a week :) The other two points I can't help you on because I didn't go to a wedding (or anything like it) and everyones finances are different.

    I love your snot one, your "babe" one and your dummy one. My nephew had a dummy and I hated the problems it caused so I refused to give my daughter one. Because she never had it, she never missed it... however my daughter does watch Disney JR a lot.. or we at least have it on in the background when we're doing stuff. It's the only way I can get anything done without her hanging on my leg. I do spend a lot of time playing with her though but if you do want time to yourself, it's the best thing to do, plus it's been great for my daughters development with the colours and the music. I am hoping once she's able to craft/cook/play in the garden it won't be needed to occupy her while I do the dishes, or cook, or bake.

    Oops.. sorry this has ended up so long! Hope it helps you and puts some worries to rest.. there is nothing worse than worrying when pregnant!

    Amy x
