Wednesday, 2 January 2013


So, what's the point of this blog?

I recently had a baby boy and have been discovering the highs and lows of motherhood- believe me, there are a lot of both. But people I spoke to, during my pregnancy and recently, tend not to mention that stuff. The ideas presented about motherhood are pretty... vague. Or relentlessly unrealistic. How many 'mommy blogs' (shudder) are there that present a totally unrealistic view of motherhood? That nothing- at all- is negative about being a mum.

The internet lies.

I found myself writing about my pregnancy periodically on my main blog (you can read the posts here) and trying to share what I learnt. Often, I couldn't find the information I needed, or found that my experience was very different from the 'hearts and flowers' view I was presented in magazines and blogs. Although I enjoyed my pregnancy generally, it was very easy to feel confused by the information out there. Ditto now that the baby has arrived.

The point of this blog, then, is to document everything about being a mum in a realistic, accessible and, hopefully, fairly witty way. I can but dream! We're not saying that we're the definitive resource; we're not even saying we're an actual resource. Of course we're not. We're just two women in our twenties who have been,  or are going through something absolutely amazing, maddening and life-changing and we wanted to document our experiences. And maybe it can help someone else. Or just amuse them. Who knows?

So, thanks for reading- and get in touch if you have any queries/comments/suggestions!


  1. It is almost like a silent club of a taboo subject. I think mainly down to the sense that when women are pregnant they get so much unwanted advice that it is better to stay quiet and not tell them of the negatives of pregnancy, birth and early Motherhood. I hated all the horror stories and advice that tbh I now try to say very little to pregnant/new Mums because of that. I can say, that in some ways, it doesn't get much easier even when they can talk! But it does have its moments.

  2. Ah but there is a fair bit of honesty out there if one knows where to look. :) Looking forward to seeing what you document. It's a helluva journey.
