Friday, 22 March 2013

A month of mini milestones...

One of the things I learned about sleep regression (yes, we're still there!) is that it's tied in with a baby's brain development. Add in the weaning and D's body is doing all kinds of new things. I've been most excited about a few 'firsts'.

Funny Baby Ecard: I wish we had even a clue as to what we're doing.

1) About two weeks ago, D discovered he could roll over. Not terribly successfully every time (and very often accompanied by a grunt of frustration), but he could do it. Now he's honed his skill a little better and I keep finding him in odd places. Gone are the days when I could happily leave him for a split second knowing he'd stay put.

2) He's also starting to giggle. Not loads, and only for select people (i.e. not his dad, who still doesn't believe me that he's doing it), but enough for me to get overexcited every time he does it. It is VERY cute and I can't wait until he's giggling like those babies in adverts. Coincidentally, those adverts often crack me up to the point of being unable to breathe. In which case I MIGHT DIE AS A RESULT OFCUTENESS. So this might be my last blog post... although probably not.

3) I took D to the cinema yesterday, to a Big Scream screening of the new Wizard of Oz film. All I can tell you is- some other mothers are really annoying, Michelle Williams looks very pretty and still sounds a bit like Marilyn Monroe, it's a good film for babies because of the colours and D can sleep through lots of explosions. Oh, and feeding a baby food in a cinema is a bit tricky.

So, those are a few firsts. I wonder what comes next? (Please don't say teething...)

1 comment:

  1. I want to see this giggling! giggling babies are quite cute, and I generally don't like other peoples children! D is an exception as he's never been anything but sweet when i've met him, so we're off to a good start!
