Monday, 18 February 2013

Pregnancy Update week 24

Just as I published my last update (week 20) I got flu. The dreaded nasty flu. The doctor said 'bad luck, the flu jab prevents it in 99% of cases, perhaps you caught a really nasty strain' and told me plenty of bed rest and vitamin C. I was off work for a week and felt like utter crap, achy and snotty and a couple of proper migraines flung in for good measure. And I also felt like I wasted time off work because I didn't get anything done round the house (which on reflection I am aware is completely ridiculous, as even loading the dishwasher required a 30 minute kip afterwards) Anyway once I'd been back to work for a week I was off to Prague for a long weekend with the mothership, but the -15 degree temperatures didn't really help the recovery much, not did the soft, unsprung mattress help my hips much.
So, on with the symptoms/experiences:
Sleeping/Energy Levels - I think they would've been better had it not been for the debilitating flu. At least twice a week after work I have a nap for a couple of hours, and my bed times are getting earlier and earlier! We had a week off this week but as normal we managed to pack so much into it (And I did all the driving) so 800 miles and a lot of caching up with people and buying baby bits hasn't done much for my energy levels and I am currently hibernating today in preparation for returning to work tomorrow! Using the pregnancy pillow for sleeping most nights, although I didn't take it away with me, just used a regular pillow instead.
Peeing - we're now up to 2 trips a night, even if I don't drink anything after 8pm and pee right before I get into bed. The other night I peed, went upstairs to take my make-up off and as I was getting into bed I needed to pee again. SO ANNOYING. Might rent a commode for the duration of the pregnancy. And of course the second piddle comes an hour before my alarm goes off, so I find it hard to go back to sleep as my brain has started ticking away thinking about the day ahead. I have managed to train myself to get to the loo and back in pitch black though to try and stay sleepier with no lights.
Constipation - way better than last month, hurrah! 
Acid reflux/heartburn - more acid reflux than heartburn so far, but I've found that chewing a rennie after food  helps keep it at bay slightly, and chocolate and orange juice make it way worse. Amusingly I was ID'd when I bought the rennies...
Back/Hip Pain - lots. and then some more. Each morning I wake up aching on the hip I slept on (or both if I turned over after a bathroom trip) and this is accompanied by lower back pain, which wears off by about 10am ish, but is made worse by a pretty uncomfortable desk chair at work, so I might start taking a cushion in to sit on. A couple of times I've had excruciating upper back pain (go figure!) and my shoulders constantly click when I rotate them. Perhaps a trip to a chiropractor is in order... Amusingly Sam is now experiencing sporadic back pain with no apparent cause, so perhaps its a sympathy pain!
Stretch Marks/Skin- No stretch marks so far, but I did get a good few hormonal spots on my chin just after I got the flu, which obviously I couldn't resist picking, then ended up with a crater for a week, and I'm still getting spots even now. No 'linea nigra' yet either.
Headaches - a couple but not unbearable, only one where I decided to go home from work a couple of hours early and lie in a darkened room.
Leg/foot aches/cramps - this is the weirdest one so far, it is almost as if my legs are recovering from pins and needles, and you have to jiggle whichever (or both) legs to attempt to get them to stop aching. This is a little annoying when it happens at 11.30 at night on a dark road in 2 inches of snow, like last week.
Movement - the sprog is going CRAZY, it's so bizarre, and when I relax for the night is when it really gets going... lots of what feels like 'popping'. 2 weeks ago Sam felt it through my belly for the first time, which was a nice moment.
Size - I am ballooning. the bump is both high and low (impressively) and starts right under my boobs (which have only grown half a cup size) but the expanding rib cage has meant that I have gone up to a... wait for it FORTY band! I was previously a 34/36 depending on the shop. I bought 3 new bras in La Senza that are a 38 but they're too tight (but perhaps they'll stretch a bit with wear, and don't worry they were all reduced to £2.50!) but I've been wearing them with bra strap extenders and this is bearable for now, just! However nothing else seems to have got fatter, apart from my hips, which is obviously my pelvis widening ready for birth rather than just eating too much! maybe...
Hair/Skin - not falling out as much as it was during washing etc, but still is to some extent. Also more grey hairs! Oh and my nails are not strong either, I had my acrylics removed so need to wait a few weeks really to see what their real condition is. And apart from the hormonal spots no weird marks/new freckles either, thank goodness!

That's about it for now, but here are some bump progress snaps!


  1. I cannot believe how big you're getting, I'm keeping everything crossed a lot is water my friend had a 7lb baby when they told her it was probably going to be 11lbs but it was all water!

    Everything else sounds normal, you're doing well to not get any stretchmarks yet with such a change in size!

    Amy x

  2. I like the progress photos!I love the way you break it down so detailed, although not so much that you're having to deal with all that! Ive been suffering with headaches and not taking anything for them, think I need to now tho as they're impeding daily life! The aches/pain, especially at bed time, are a particular gripe of mine at the mo. No matter how I lay, SOMETHING hurts! Probably not helped by the cat who likes to lay on me/inbetween callum and I! xxx

  3. Love the progress pics! Nice little bump you are getting there! Hope you start to feel better after all that flu and illness, must be even worse when you are preggers too :(

    Lyndsay ♡
    Fizzy Peaches
